Communication S5 to Teleperm XP - How to upgrade to S7-400
Teleperm XP now called as SPPA T2000. The TXP using application program APRED for redundant communication between CPU (AS620B-S5) and external system . communication protocol use ISO Transport Protocol with Send/Receive . i did it in my plant already, so yuo need as follow
1. Complete S7-400 set included with CP 443-1 (the latest Version is 6GK7443-1EX20-0XE0).
2. Buy application software APRED-S7 for S7-400 (MLFB 2XV9450 1AA06). also available APRED S7 for S7-300 (MLFB 2XV9450 1AA07).
3. Program Using Simatic Step 7, configure ISO connection with netpro
4. Set the TXP AS620B as S5 system from netpro, set the MAC Address and TSAP (see TXP YDH diagram)
5. Follow the manual of the APRED software to configure APRED Function blocks
1. Complete S7-400 set included with CP 443-1 (the latest Version is 6GK7443-1EX20-0XE0).
2. Buy application software APRED-S7 for S7-400 (MLFB 2XV9450 1AA06). also available APRED S7 for S7-300 (MLFB 2XV9450 1AA07).
3. Program Using Simatic Step 7, configure ISO connection with netpro
4. Set the TXP AS620B as S5 system from netpro, set the MAC Address and TSAP (see TXP YDH diagram)
5. Follow the manual of the APRED software to configure APRED Function blocks