SPPA T3000 Operation
standard PCs and PDAs can be utilized for the user interface in the presentation tier as well as the recommended thin clients. The use of different operating systems and browsers is also possible in theory. However, due to the high distribution level of Windows, the use of the most recent version of the software and of Internet Explorer as a browser is recommended, as this configuration has been tested intensively and released.
The real advantage of the thin client lies in its universality, which permits all functions, such as operation, engineering and diagnostics, to be performed on one machine. This standard work environment is referred to as a Workbench and makes an individual work environment possible on each front-end device.
The majority of the power services are processed on the application server. The mechanism of the fault-tolerant server makes a single-system image available to both the operating system, Windows Server 2003, and to all applications. This means that no further measures for redundant operation need to be implemented in the application software, as the software only ever sees a single hardware unit. For this reason, standard software, such as spreadsheets, can also be made available in redundant configuration, and the SPPA-T3000 system can also run on a single hardware configuration without any modification. This provides an extended homogeneous solution for subsystems that are not presently implemented in redundant configuration.
User friendly Operator Interface and handling is highest advantage of this system, see the detail view of operation of the SPPA T3000 here :
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